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How to Help Someone Get Sober

an image of someone who learned how to help someone get sober

If someone that you care about is having a hard time with drugs or alcohol, it can be tough. Addiction doesn’t just impact the person who is using addictive substances – it’s like a ripple effect that touches friends and family too. If you’re looking for ways to help your loved one stay sober, know that you’re not powerless. There are steps you can take to be there for them as they work towards engaging with sobriety help.

This guide to how help someone in recovery addresses key issues that include:

  • How do you become sober?
  • How to help someone get sober.
  • How to help a recovering addict stay sober.
  • How to get sober and stay sober in California.

How to Help Someone Stay Sober

Understand that addiction is not about lacking self-control or being morally weak. Rather, it’s a chronic medical condition that changes how the brain works, especially in areas that manage rewards, self-control, and habits. This can lead to intense cravings and triggers that are often subconscious. Remember, overcoming addiction is an ongoing journey, with up to 60% of those who engage with treatment relapsing at least once. Anyone working out how to help someone in recovery should keep the relapsing nature of the condition in mind.

Treatments like MAT (medication-assisted treatment) and approaches that focus on reducing harm or moderating use can be part of an effective overall strategy. Not everyone will stop using substances completely right away, and early recovery is often about making progress, not achieving perfection. Knowing the warning signs of a possible relapse and being able to determine if someone is using substances can also be helpful.

Here’s how to help a recovering addict engage with sobriety help:

  • Offer emotional support: Listen without judgment, encourage open communication, and show that you believe in their ability to recover.
  • Set boundaries: Make clear what behaviors you will not tolerate and stick to these boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship.
  • Encourage healthy habits: Support them in developing a routine that promotes wellness, like regular exercise, good nutrition, and sufficient sleep.
  • Help build a sober network: Encourage connections with support groups, sober friends, and activities that don’t involve substance use.
  • Promote professional help: Urge them to attend therapy or counseling and explore treatment options. Offer to help with research or accompany them to appointments if they want support.
  • Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge progress and celebrate sobriety milestones, no matter how small they may seem.
  • Stay informed about recovery: Keep up to date with the latest information on addiction treatment and recovery to understand the evolving nature of the process.
  • Practice self-care: Take care of your own mental and emotional health to avoid burnout and be a stable support system.
  • Be patient and persistent: Recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay patient and continue to offer your support throughout their journey.

How to Support a Recovering Addict

Learning how to support someone in recovery involves understanding the complexities of addiction and demonstrating empathy and resilience. Here’s how you can be there for your loved one:

  • Encourage their efforts: Recognize the hard work your loved one is putting into their recovery. Encouragement can be a powerful motivator.
  • Be a reliable presence: Consistency is key. Be someone they can count on for support without enabling negative behaviors.
  • Learn communication strategies: Educate yourself on how to communicate effectively with someone in recovery, using supportive language and active listening skills.
  • Assist with daily responsibilities: Sometimes, taking care of day-to-day tasks can be overwhelming for someone in recovery. Offering to help with these tasks can alleviate stress.
  • Respect their recovery plan: Everyone’s path to recovery is unique. Respect their treatment plan and recovery strategies, even if they differ from what you might expect.
  • Avoid substances around them: Be mindful of their triggers and avoid consuming substances around them or involving them in situations where substances are present.
  • Pursue new hobbies and interests: Encourage the pursuit of new, healthy activities that don’t involve substance use and can fill the time previously occupied by addictive behaviors.
  • Know the signs of stress or overwhelm: Be observant and recognize when your loved one might be feeling stressed or overwhelmed, as these can be relapse triggers.
  • Provide resources: Have a list of resources, like hotlines or support groups, readily available should your loved one need extra support.
  • Understand the role of mental health: Recognize that mental health issues often accompany addiction. Support their mental health needs and advocate for professional help when necessary.

Help Getting Sober

Achieving sobriety is a challenging journey, but it’s one that can be made with the right support and resources. If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, keep in mind that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. 

Explore options for professional inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment for structured support and guidance. Engaging in individual or group therapy can be instrumental in addressing underlying issues related to addiction and developing coping strategies. MAT (medication-assisted teatment) combines medication with counseling and behavioral therapies, and is proven effective for treating opioid addictions and alcohol addictions.

Joining support groups like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or NA (Narcotics Anonymous) can provide a community of people who understand the challenges of recovery. In general, surround yourself with people who support your recovery journey and understand the importance of maintaining a substance-free environment.

Embrace healthy lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep, which can improve overall well-being and support sobriety.

Set achievable goals and celebrate your milestones, no matter how small they may seem. Recovery is a continuous process. Stay committed to your sobriety goals, and be patient with yourself through the ups and downs. Remember that recovery doesn’t end with treatment. Ongoing support helps many people maintain long-term sobriety, so engage with aftercare programs or continuous counseling as needed.

Taking the first step towards sobriety is often the hardest. If you’re unsure where to begin, consider reaching out to a healthcare provider, a trusted friend, or a local addiction support service. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is progress on the path to recovery. Shortcut your search by contacting Drug Rehabs Centers in Southern California.

Find Help for Addiction at Drug Rehab Centers

More than 1 million U.S. adults reported failing to engage with addiction treatment in 2022 because they did not how to go about finding the help they needed. Whether you require help for yourself or a loved one battling substance abuse, shortcut your search for help by reaching out to Drug Rehabs Centers in Southern California.

For those who are dependent on drugs or alcohol, supervised detoxification usually offers the smoothest pathway to ongoing treatment. Over the course of a week or so, you will address the issue of physical dependence under controlled conditions and with access to FDA-approved medications. Drug Rehabs Center staff can refer you to suitable detoxification centers near you.

We can also provide referrals to reputable inpatient rehabs and outpatient treatment centers throughout the state of California. We can also put you in touch with peer support groups near you if you require extra support and accountability in your recovery. Call (844) 739-2005 today and begin your recovery from addiction in Southern California tomorrow.

Joe Gilmore
Author: Joe Gilmore


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