How to Stage an Intervention

An intervention is a pre planned event when done correctly is a way of uniting family friends, and loved ones together to help someone who is struggling with addiction find the treatment. This gathering of loved ones can help motivate and bring to attention the negative effects that addiction has brought into that person’s life and can be a contributing factor to someone accepting they have a problem. Oftentimes treatment centers will help pull together an intervention in order for those suffering from addiction to begin in a recovery program right away, and to facilitate a supportive atmosphere whilst guiding someone who faces addiction to start the journey of addiction recovery.
Staging an Intervention
When considering staging an intervention for a loved one it is very important that you learn the stages of planning and reach out to a professional recovery group that can help your loved one get the treatment they need and provide all the information
- Stage 1: Get Help From an interventionist. Whether reaching out to an interventionist, counselor, or rehab center. It is best to have professional support for the intervention process to be successful.
- Stage 2: Form Intervention Group. This is the main group of those organizing the intervention. Most often this consists of family, friends, and coworkers. These should be individuals with a positive and supportive role in the person’s life.
- Stage 3: Planning. When staging an intervention it is best to have a plan in place, the time, location, and make sure everyone knows their role in the intervention.
- Stage 4: Learn About Complexities of Addiction. To best help those you love do research on addiction and substance abuse and the recovery process. Compile information about detox, rehabs, and therapy programs. Bringing in an expert and connecting to a rehab facility ahead of time will help you best prepare for recovery questions and treatment plans.
- Stage 5: Write impact statements. Everyone at the intervention should have prepared statements of the person’s struggles with addiction. These personal statements should detail how the addiction has hurt the person. Relationships can be ruined and severely damaged by addiction. These statements let the person know in a heartfelt way that their addiction does not affect them alone. Intervention writings need to be emotionally true and focused on love.
- Stage 6: Find & Offer Recovery Help People in the intervention should all be willing to help in some form while the person goes through the addiction treatment process.
- Stage 7: Practice. When it comes to addiction it is a very emotional and painful subject. To avoid being too emotional, worked up, and to make sure the intervention will be effective you should practice as a group at least once. Each member of the intervention will know what to say, speak, then pass it off to the next.
- Stage 8: Manage expectations. Be sure to set expectations low because even though you planned a perfect intervention, found the perfect treatment program, and offer an ample amount of help; some people don’t take the step to recovery right away and may need time to think and process.
- Stage 9: Follow up. Whether that person accepts treatment or not, it is important to honor statements made during the intervention. Otherwise, the person may stress, which could slow down their entrance into recovery, or deepen substance abuse problems.
Drug Intervention Programs
Many people try and take the risk of staging an intervention without expert help but oftentimes it is difficult to be successful when you lack the resources and expertise of an addiction treatment specialist. There is a lot on the line with staging an intervention and a rehab center that has experience with drug and alcohol abuse can help lead and moderate the group into a supportive and fulfilling atmosphere.
The truth is, sharing your conversations with many people is emotional and difficult. It’s hard to get those suffering from substance abuse to see the effect of their addiction. By reaching out to a rehab center and finding the right drug intervention program or interventionist you can ensure that your intervention is as meaningful and impactful as possible.
Sharing can be very emotional. A facilitated drug intervention program can make the conversation smooth, efficient, calm, and moving. You may want to express the pain and anger about a person’s behavior, but it’s best to remember the intervention is not to express anger but concern.. The goal is to give you and your loved ones the help they need. Expert practitioners are mainly focused on the addict’s long-term health.
Alcohol Intervention Program
When your loved one is facing an alcohol use disorder alcohol becomes the priority. Because alcoholism is so consuming family members including spouses and children can feel left behind as the person addicted to alcohol faces addiction. Since alcohol is legal it is often that those abusing it will be in denial and never seek help.
Having help from an alcohol intervention program will not only help your family show those affected by alcoholism the negative effects, but can help plan, facilitate, and create a comprehensive intervention strategy that addresses the emotions of the family while laying out key recovery options and solutions to those affected by alcoholism.
Finding an Interventionist
Most of those who suffer from addictions like heroin or alcohol are in denial and are the most suited for an intervention. Most often those with addictions don’t even recognize the disorder. There is also the less common instance where a person knows they have an issue with drug addiction but are too fearful to enter into recovery in fear of withdrawal or judgement. By hiring an interventionist these stigmas about recovery can be addressed appropriately and you’ll have an expert that knows the transition of helping your loved one start recovery.
A professional interventionist will
- Do a pre-meeting preparation for the intervention
- Be a moderator in the intervention
- Help transition individuals into rehab.
Find Help Staging a Drug Intervention
Unmoderated interventions can be difficult and can even be counter productive if not done properly. Professional recovery agents in a drug intervention program can ensure that the intervention goes accordingly and your loved one is guided to recovery while being supported by a loving family and a treatment center that offers the best care in addiction recovery.
For more information call 866.559.4256.